Friday, 2 September 2016


This is a letter intended for all those who feels that they have got stuck in life and seems to be hopeless. Especially for that person who doesn’t believe if their life would get better. That person who has been trying hard so long to bring changes, but, hasn’t been able to…
If that’s you, you’re not alone and this letter I’m writing for you!
To My Friend,
I know things have been actually tough. Everyday appears to be the same and you, feeling helpless want to screech from top of your lungs, because life sucks. Everyday you just feel that you have been dragging downward. You just think that your life starts to take a U-turn soon, but, doesn’t happens and finally, most of the times thoughts of suicide have crossed your mind.
But, mind it, life does get better if you want to.
My dear friend…. Once, I was like you, searching for that one single thing I was thought to do with my life. I was looking for a career, not just only a job. When I turned 30, I still had no idea and wondered what was wrong with me. I usually felt that if I knew what I wanted to do with my life, everything would have been better. Is it something to get married, have a nice house, have kids and live happily ever after? Is that the thing I have been asking from my life?
But, afterwards. I’ve learnt that life doesn’t have to be finding that one single thing you are meant to do and then revolve around it forever. Some people get to find that one thing and dedicate their entire life because they love it. I’ve realized that isn’t meant for me at this moment.
To me life is about exploring new things daily. It’s like trying different things and putting attention on certain ones. There is so much to grab that it would definitely be shame to not have more than one interest. Is it what I’m doing now will be doing forever? Noo, but, I have found something that I enjoy at this moment. I know that new opportunities will present itself and my need for facing that new challenge will come along. Who knows what I’ll be doing five years from now, but, for now I like what I do.
If you are uncertain about what you want to do with your life, it’s OKAY! The answer doesn’t come to you at specific times. Some find it when they are child, others, when they had three children. It hardly matters whether you’re 21 or 41. The only thing that matters is how passionate you are.
However, a better life isn’t going to be found watching television, mindlessly surfing the net or checking Facebook every 5-10 minutes. It is not found resting on the couch after work every night or gulping your sorrows on weekend with your buddies. Your life is never gonna improve if you feel sorry for yourself and rely on others to make it better for you.
Your life can’t be better instantly. As everything is available on just a single click, we expect our life to happen the same, isn’t it? So, what will it take? I know you don’t want to hear, but, trust me it just take a single day. The worst thing for you is that, despite of consistent practice you don’t see any difference in results. I know that’s frustrating. But, here is the point where people quit. They feel that the effort they are putting is just a waste of time. When you are doing right things, keep on doing, as small consistent actions over time will definitely give tremendous results. Mind it that life is testing you and will certainly kick off the weak ones, while only the determined ones will be survived and rewarded handsomely.
Let’s take an example:
The guy eyeing a cute girl is definitely going home alone, if he practices his conversation only in his mind, waits for the right moment to come, waits for the confidence, checks his breath and waits till her friends leave. By then he’ll hesitate for so long, he’ll reject himself before even trying.
That’s similar with life too. The longer you wait, the longer you go back to your regular life with same old shit.
So, the person that is going to be responsible for everything you want to create in your life is that face you see in mirror every single day. It is that good looking face you see. It is the one who had big hopes and dreams, but, lost after years of self-doubt. When you need to be reminded who is gonna save your life, look at yourself in the mirror.
It’s time to quit your excuses, your complaining, finger pointing and start to do something. Life moves very fast. You are not going to achieve everything at one time, but focus on the area of your life and work on changing it in the way you want first.
You are responsible for everything in your life, and because of that power, you have the life what you have always dreamt off.

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